To schedule an appointment with Dr. Prezzato,
please call the office: (248) 855-2229
To schedule an appointment with Kelcy Buday, PA-C,
please call the office: (248) 855-2229
or schedule online through the link below:
please call the office: (248) 855-2229
To schedule an appointment with Kelcy Buday, PA-C,
please call the office: (248) 855-2229
or schedule online through the link below:
Same day appointments Available
We offer same-day appointments for women's health urgent care issues such as testing for urinary tract infections (UTIs), vaginal infections, sexually transmitted infections, and more! Because you deserve timely care.
Call us at (248) 855-2229 and ask for a "Same Day Urgent Care Slot".
Call us at (248) 855-2229 and ask for a "Same Day Urgent Care Slot".